REBIRTH from the larva of the deepest depths of the earth! some say it’s already taken over a million souls….. Meet CLAW HornSkull. In true 13 Art Skullman style, now HornSkull is equipped with the powerful CLAW on his hand! Will the CLAW possess new training powers? Who knows, all we know is the fact the CLAW will be unleashed and set free next month!
WHEN: May 1st 9:00 am Taiwan time 2021
WHERE: (Limited one per person)
5/1 9:00 AM 官方13ART STORE X 40
( 網站訂購部分五月底前寄出 每人限定ㄧ )
部分數量由 玩具包子舖 於展會銷售
4/17-18 廣州 玩聚希集X東方寶泰 B40展位 X 30
5/1-3 深圳 QTX—QQ潮玩展 D21展位 X 30
5/28-30 北京 CTS X ADTS Q05展位 X 30
You can find Skullman on Instagram HERE.
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