With Vinyl Thoughts Art Show 6 – Cinematic finished its now to roll the credits and some of the art pieces are now available to purchase. The theme for the show this year was Cinematic. Taking the artists favourite films and customising a Designer Toy platform to pay homage which you can read about HERE. The huge line up included our UK peeps Uncle Absinthe, Gary ‘Blue Frog World’ Boon and Jaykblu.
From the photos we saw online, the show looked like another hit and wished we all could be in Dallas for the opening and support VT6. Without further adieu here are a few of the remaining custom pieces.
These photos don’t to the customs any justice so take a look HERE for full view.
Most of them the ones posted are available to purchase via https://squareup.com/market/vinyl-thoughts-art-show
Last but not least you can now get 10% too! how cool is that.
You can follow the show via Facebook HERE.