ToyConUK is now only TWO MONTHS AWAY! We repeat TWO MONTHS AWAY!! The folks over at ToyConUK HQ have whet our appetite for April with a stonking great competition.
The prize pack includes everything in the picture above & a couple of extras so here’s the full rundown. The winner will get
– An A2 print of the poster from our T-Con Custom show in november.
– One of each of our T-Con toys released to date including signed artists proofs of the – SOLD OUT – OG and GID colourways and the DIY colourway.
– You’ll also receive one of our brand new ToyCon UK Exclusive T-Cons.
– And as if that wasn’t enough you’ll also receive two VIP tickets to the event itself. These include guest list entry and reserved seats at all of our panels and live painting.
Pretty bang on, right?!? So now you want to know how you stand the chance to win such an awesome price? Expected.
– On Facebook: Like the ToyConUK page, then you need to like and share this post:
– On Twitter: Follow the @ToyConUK and then Retweet this competition tweet:
I want to win tickets to #ToyConUK and AP #TCons
— ToyConUK (@ToyConUK) February 12, 2014
– On Instagram: Follow the @ToyConUK Instagram and regram the competition image.
Each of these actions will get you 1 entry into the competition. Closing date is Tuesday 18th February. They’ll then collect all the entries, feed them into their hand random number generator and reveal the winner this time next week!
Good Luck and get entering!