The Akamajutsushi custom 8inch Kidrobot Dunny by Artmymind is no doubt what Artmymind is known for and I was pleased for them that they are apart of the DTA Dunny show and yet again Euro artists getting to be apart of these events. Showcasing what they do best, fine blended lines with trademark style. Akamajutsushi is one fine looking piece with gorgeous Japanese fabric incorporated.
The Kimono fabric just makes the red stand out even more with the hint of blue is faboulous idea just breaking it up a little.
I got to say I was surprised Artmymind did not add any sculpting to the Dunny, like the “Storm Samurai Cobalt & Dragon Samurai” they previously made. But I guess it didn’t need it with that level of detail. Just look at the precision of the lines and curves, plus I really like how they blend in the colours on the lines.
If you are in the area and want to check out all of the amazing pieces in person , doors opens at 6pm on Saturday, Jan 10. If you aren’t able to attend the show but are interested in purchasing or seeing the full reveals, please sign up for the preview list by clicking on Full reveals on Saturday will be live at noon and advance purchases begin at 2pm.
There are various ways you can keep up to date with what’s going on in the Artmymind world, so go check the out on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and you can also take a look at their web store.