Anyone hungry for a burger? Honestly, I’m craving a burger. Whether it be a Big Mac, Patty & Bun, Five Guys, Shake Shake or even a f’n Honest Burger. I want one. The king of Bearbrick customisation, FAKIR DESIGN, is back this week with a new custom ready to munch its way into your collection! Meet RONALD….
This new 400% Bearbrick custom by FAKIR is going to drop at 12pm GMT (11am BST) later today (May 1st). Standing at around 11inches tall, RONALD is more interested in stuffing that burger in his pie hole, but dragging his skateboard around, perhaps he’s going to work off the burger with a few kick flips?! RONALD is priced at 800euro (about £697) + shipping. Only one exists and it will be signed, numbered and dated by the artist.
FAKIR Social Media
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