Üncle Stüdio is back to dazzle us with another custom Coarse’s Omen. First he took us s to the moon with his custom 3.5? COARSE Stranded Astronaut Omen which was part of a set, then he continue the space journey with the ABSOLVED OMEN, now he just release the Hypnosis Omen. A beautiful custom 3″ Coarse Omen Blink in the style of his previous SHOCK & AWE OMENS;
Beautiful ‘nebula’ paint app in a ‘moon’ accessory hanging in from the omen’s forehead. Just like those deep sea fishes. You know the ones. What is deep space if not a huge ocean waiting to be explored (yeah, we are good with words, or not…) As above so below;
Moon sculpted with Super Sculpey, painted with Liquitex Acrylics with high gloss clear coat. Eyes are matte and glow in the dark.
ON SALE NOW at http://www.unclestudio.com/store/.
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Price: $200 (153 GPB) + S/H.
Release date/time: NOW!
Link to Site: http://www.unclestudio.com/store/hypnosis
Üncle Stüdio still has some amazing pieces available on his Webstore. You can also check Sam out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Smart concept! I like it