Our first experience of Klav and his Creeping Death Robot Club was at the first Five Points Festival last year, and we’ve been a member of his fan club ever since! Klav will back at Five Points on June 2-3rd and he’s bringing along some very nice custom work with him.
If you missed his custom Crukii Toyboom sofubi figure from March, he’ll have two available on his booth #443. What else will he have, we hear you yell from the back…
Klav has taken it upon himself to custom the behemoth that is known as the SKLFKR (created by Huck Gee in 2017). It’s a beast. The original blank SKLFKR was priced at $300, so not cheap but its size you can appreciate the cost. Klav’s custom SKLFKR will cost $1000 and will be available from Five Points. Alongside a couple of custom King Korpse figures too (seen pictured above with SKLFKR. Klav will have something for everyone’s budget – ranging from $10 resin figures to the $1000 SKLFKR custom. Klav will also be part of the DTA Dunny Show too, which we covered HERE. If you want to find him on Instagram, loo00ok no further than HERE.
With Five Points only 10 days away, the excitement is getting REAAAAL!