Only weeks away from the main event, Jon-Paul Kaiser gets ready for the Singapore Toy Game Comic Convention 2017 showdown. Part one already made collectors transfer money into the art toy funds and NOW prepare for part two JPK’s STGCC releases. Bring along with him are a few of customs (and The Toy Chronicle, Yes we will be at STGCC) choosing different platforms all in JPK’s signature style to leave collectors drooling and ready to wait for STGCC to open its doors. Here’s more tease to get your hearts pumping and bank accounts ready for the onslaught….. Hands off the Rebel Ink custom!
Sleeping Negora
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Rebel Ink
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Kwaii The Murder of Innocence
Expect a host of great OOAK art vinyl customs making you want to utilise STGCC passes. Look out for part three.
Marina Bay Sands
Ticket information
Pre-show advance purchase: 1-day ticket @ S$19 | 2-day @ S$28
At-show purchase: 1-day ticket @ S$21 | 2-day @ S$30 for further info.
Don’t forget to check out JPK on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.