Our buddy Daniel Fleres has transformed the adorable Treeson Ren figure originally by one of my personal favourite artist Bubi Au Yeung . I have all the Ren figures in my personal collection and it was fantastic seeing Daniel Fleres put his stamp on Ren and turning him into the much loved character Harry Potter , but in keeping with the characteristics of Ren.
Daniel gives Ren some new clothes and some beautiful accessories to go with it. Really digging that tell tail sign of Harry Potter with the lightning bolt! Little Wizard will be available for the price of $225.00 (around £146) at 5pm pst (1AM UK time) at http://danielfleres.bigcartel.com/
More Daniel goodness head over to http://www.danielfleres.com/ Facebook , Twitter and Instagram
Email him personally at: danielfleres@yahoo.com to get on his commission list.