No April fools jokes today, but what Mark Nagata of Max Toy Co has is this awesome Negora Custom Online Show. Featuring a host of cool customs, using fan favourite “Negora” sofubi toy. Mark and friends will have over 14 customs to choose from artist all over the world.
Here’s a sneak peek.
“Best to search under the web store category menu “Customs”. I hope you can support these artists and their customs and the hard work they put into each piece. Meow !”
All customs will be sold April 1st via Max Toy
While you wait for the online show you can pick up Max Toy Club Membership Kit.
Join the Max Toy Club and you get this Clear Kaiju Axron as your membership figure !!…only while supplies last. Join this exclusive club and receive the following cool items: A Max Boy vinyl figure, Official Membership Card with your name & unique number, and a Max Toy Co. pin / sticker. Plus, belonging to the club allows you to purchase VERY limited versions of Max Toy Co toys before the general public. Remember by joining you agree that the exclusive toys and prints offered to you are offered in a random basis, so there is no guarantee that you will get any particular toy. However, you will have first chance for most toy releases as most releases are offered to Club Members first. Your Memberships do not expire.
(all info and photos lifted from Max Toy Co)