Ever need a example of a clean crisp custom? Lisa Rae Hansen AKA Ibreaktoys work is a prime example. “May The Geek Be With You” is a custom GeekWok for the upcoming UMEToys x DKEToys custom show at Designer Con. Lisa’s been hand picked by UMEToys to bless a GeekWok and we all know the reasons why UMEToys chose Lisa…. BECAUASE HER TOYS ROCK!
“A playful take on the Geekwok, he’s an Ewok who’s a massive Star Wars fan/geek, who’s off to the Toy convention under cover of sun glasses and a hoodie in the hopes that he doesn’t get spotted and hounded for autographs.”
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Simple It may seem Lisa has kept all the GeekWok intact just adding layers of coolness to the little chap. WE WANT THAT BACKPACK! The hoodie is smooth as a babies bottom and we love the filling of GeekWok shades with the added paint of sun glare. How did no one think of that before.
DKE booth #812.
Designer Con 2015 November 21-22, 2015 at the Pasadena Convention Centre. http://www.designercon.com/
You can find Lisa and get on her commission list via http://www.ibreaktoys.com/
Take a look at her store too some cool toys! http://ibreaktoys.storenvy.com/