December is a treat for us all, why? because Robotic Industries (James Freckingham) is ready to showcase his latest custom at the RE-MOLE show at Loading Bar (London’s insanely awesome video game bar) on the 6th of December. Taking the MoleXL platform customising it to Mole Robot! how insane is that. Melvyn comes with articulated arms too. James finishing to a custom is always spectacular as it looks like a full production art toy, so smooth and so clean. I really do wonder how he done the over coat over the MoleXL?
You all know you want to give Melvyn a hug. Melvyn’s arms and hands are perfectly matched and well crafted. I think James could of done it in a TTC Blue (Just messing with you James if you are reading this)
James adds vents to Melvyn and not one of the panels are out of place! I do like it when an artist pays attention to detail at the back of the toy. Sheer crazy work James.
Fingers crossed we will see more of Robotic Industries work soon. Thank you to Robotic Industries for making cool designer toys, you never disappoint!
Keep in touch with Robotic Industries via but the best place to find him is on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram.
The show will be at Loading Bar (London’s insanely awesome video game bar) on the 6th of December 2014. With Customs and 2D prints available online the next day: 10am GMT 7th of Dec
Kerry will be posting work in progress images from the artists to Instagram and Tumblr, and be posting updates on the show periodically here too.
If you’d like to be notified the second the Customs are available online you can join the mailing listand Facebook event page HERE
So if you’re in London on the 6th of December, and hell even if you weren’t planning to be, you should stop by for fun, art, Moles and cake!
The line up of artist A Little Stranger,Dr Barbados,Zukaty Toyz,ibreaktoys,David Stevenson,Ume Toys,Kerry Dyer,DMS,Okkle,FarkFk,Lunartik,Mr Lister,Zombiekel,Pocket Wookie,Uncle Absinthe,Sneaky Raccoon,Zro Toys,RunDMB,Robotic Industries,Mark Treharne,Mike Strick,Jenn & Tony Bot,Hoakser,Emily Bee,Triclops,Luke Hyde,Dani Abram,Ian Matthews,Flatties,Lex Luthor,STAE,Map Map,Mimic,Jam Factory,Nicola Welbourne,iNKBOTz,Sam Horton,Octopus Jam,Bianca Ansems,Oduarpa,Nicola Robertson,Lize Meddings,Leemo626,A4man,a secret club