Galaxy Celebration “SciFi World Weekend” by Order_66_sith 15-17 December the members of the Indonesian Art Toys (I.A.T) collective are already prepared to showcase their customs and wow the crowds. Munny Warz Custom Event will be at the SciFi World Weekend and each IAT members has chosen one of their favourite characters from Star Wars as the theme to show off what they can do to the Kidrobot Munny platform. As we keep on saying the same thing we still have to say “IAT always putting on these small but close-knit gatherings by having fun whilst creating what they love. Spreading love and awareness in the Indonesia art toy community. Taking constructive criticism well and improving along the way”
Over a couple of years, we’ve seen many of the members improve their skills which you can tell by all of these 12 custom Munny’s taking our past constructive criticism and improving.
1. Psycho Custom -Darth Maul
2. Hitodama – Darth Vader
3. Silvia Tampi – Yoda
4. Rdyn – k2so
5. Ozzy Lebon- Captain phasma
6. Dhimas Fiqri – Darth revan
7. Bio Ukitta – maz kanata
8. indra – chewbacca
9. Ndone thehandsign- bobbafett
10. Alwan – clone trooper phase 1
11. Jonga Skascie – Jabba the Hutt
12. Jessica Jesspuff – Admiral Ackbar
Just judging from the photos a few have improved on their paint application still a couple need to continue to work on cleaner lines and finishing. Sculpting work is improving compared to previous customs and with the helping hand and guidance from Silvia Tampi the IAT crew should be improving faster. To be honest all that matter is they are enjoying creating and do what they love. Now the IAT collective can show their own ideas and make them into designer toys with their own IP’s. Top 5 customs out of the MUNNY WARZ has to be Admiral Ackbar by Jessica Jesspuff, k2so by Rdyn, Darth Maul by Psycho Custom and Yoda by Silvia Tampi.
Kidrobot should really host events like this around the world. It’s great to see works from IAT collective and we hope to see more from them in the near future and meetups like this as they spread our scene to the masses. It’s one of the ways the scene can grow and hopefully find new collectors.
More examples from the Indonesian AR+Toys collective at and if you see a custom you like feel free to reach out to them and place an order via email quote “The Toy Chronicle Munny WARZ”.