Tanavit23‘s “Pitohui” as been infected with Tokyo Jesus black magic! Tokyo Jesus known for the Japanese gruesome, horror, grisly style has taken on Tanavit23‘s “Pitohui” giving it a totally unique look in true Tokyo Jesus look. That signature kanji calligraphy and the colour palette that pulls out the Pitohui details in the original sculpt. Its been a while since we’ve seen a Pitohui, could this be a tease of a future release? We would love to see a run with Tokyo Jesus & Tanavit23!
Now its time to give you the bad news, well, unless you are the collector who owns this) this was a commissioned piece…… Yes, it’s a one of a kind piece and now living with its owner. The rest of us can now bombard Tokyo Jesus & Tanavit23 with messages to make them know we want a run of Ojike Kanji Pitohui!
Hit up Tokyo Jesus via http://www.tokyojesus.net/, Instagram , Twitter and Facebook. Subscribe TJ newsletter at the web-store tokyojesus.net.
You can find Tanavit23 via his Instagram and Twitter.
While we have your attention, check out Tokyo Jesus Dcon 2018 booth below *COUGH prototypes of future releases on display.
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