Ahoy there, Captain! Prepare to be boarded! Jon-Paul Kaisers new commission custom Kidrobot Dunny & Labbit set takes us to the high cyber seas as we introduce you to the crew of the Rourke’s Ruin…
They are the crew of the Rourke’s Ruin; nominally a scavenger ship, it has spent centuries scouring floating hulks and downed star-freighters for bounty and materials to take. However more often it finds itself creating those wrecks with this boarding party. Cybernetics and arcane technologies have extended their lives to unnatural lengths and they’re not intending to stop their raids any time soon
Finally, we have the Captain of the Rourke’s Ruin. We love what JPK has don with this series. The lovely fine ornate details he has applied to each of the custom pieces.
Jon’s commission list is now OPEN so if you’re keen on your own JPK custom, you can hit him up via email to jonpaulkaiser@hotmail.com or message him on Facebook or Instagram!
Awesome work