Hey, Tonight, to the stars. Tonight, I’m seein’ stars. Oh my starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise! Kendra Thomas has just dropped a surprise custom Coarse Nibble & Root set on her Etsy store this evening. Giving Nibble & Root the Starry Eyed surprise works!
Available right now over on Kendra’s Etsy HERE. Priced at £259.01. There is only one set available, and it could well be gone by the time you’re reading this. If you’re interested in buying this set, head on over now and snap this set up.
[box title=”Important Details”]
WHERE: https://www.etsy.com/listing/595997003/custom-hand-painted-375-starry-eyed?ref=shop_home_active_1
PRICE: £259.01
LIMITED: 1 set
SIZE: 3.75inch[/box]
More beautiful pieces of Designer Toy art can be found on our TTC Mobile App. Available for free now.
You can check out the great work of Kendra on Instagram HERE.