Mr Mars Studio have teamed up with Martian Toys to bring us all something yum to the table. Released this very evening, Mr Mars will be dropping six custom Sushi Chefs on the Martian Toys store. Taking the Kidrobot Munnyworld series as a platform, Mr Mars has used several of the micro Munnys – as well as a 7″ Trikky to create this culinary delights for our eyes.
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Each comes packed in a cool Asian food container and each chef has his very own unique Sushi accessories. Each Sushi Chef also comes with a signature card as well as a custom sticker too.
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The Sushi Chefs will be available from 11pm BST today (Friday 19/06). No details on price yet, but if you’re interested in picking one (or more) up tonight you can head to later this evening!