in Customs, News, T-Con Custom Show
T-Con Customs Available!
The remaining T-Cons from the Custom Show, earlier this month, are now live on the ToyConUK site – including all of those T-Cons that were not on the preview list (so if you wasn’t at the show or missed The Toy Chronicle video of the show, then get yourselves over to the ToyCon site!)
They have also got the posters from the show & the final few GID T-Cons as well! Well worth a visit if you’ve had your eye on any T-Con goodies this month! At this time, there are still some really nice T-Cons available – for a good price considering the amount of work that looks to have gone in to each piece. Don’t hesitate!
[su_frame align=”center”][/su_frame]Hugh Rose Custom T-Con
Speaking of hesitating, if you’re still yet to buy your tickets to 2014 ToyConUK! You should definitely look to buy yours soon! Last year the tickets sold out within the first month, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the same happened this year! Go buy yours now, here, before it’s too late.