Toy designer and entrepreneur, co-founder of PianoVerse, Fiona Ng is back to dazzle us. When you think about Fiona you think about knights in amor, fantasy, medieval worlds, swords, adventures and above all top of the line custom works. She has a unique style that often got us thinking why she hasn’t got her own production run already. Hope somebody hears us… Without further ado we give you the astonishing Gilded Knight;
This piece is Fiona Ng‘s contribution to the NYCC DTA Dunny Show.
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Impressive sculpt and details. The Gilded Knight is based on the previous SEASONAL DUNNY KNIGHT, the same 16th century armored Dunny concept in the new 5″ Dunny form. The bigger the better right?
If you still don’t know Fiona Ng‘s work we strongly advise you to check: