GO GO POWER RANGERS! These kick ass custom FONZO‘s are from Nakanari. Right in time for the all new Power Rangers movie. Nakanari customise the whole crew. Never would of thought seeing Power Rangers on a FONZO platfrom but boy do it work. Clean as always and could be mistaken as a production, thats exactly what we thought at first.
Those big chunky think lines suits the 3.5 inch FONZO and makes them pretty darn cute. Sadly these not for sale but you could message Nakanari and get on his commission list at Nakanari@hotmail.com
More goodness from Tony via www.maihiro.net
Check out A day in the life of Tony Shiau AKA Nakanari HERE we did a while back.
Find Nakanari on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Buy FONZO platform at http://www.fonzoworld.com/