This years Designer Con is in for a treat as Igor Ventura has already prepared Wobbly Dunny series. Igor first individual Custom Dunny series debuts at Dcon! Another great concept and execution from Igor. Wobbly is one of those customs what customisers would be thinking “why didn’t I think of that”.
This inflated little fella used to work on a circus throwing knives. His smooth and groovy moves will surely surprise his enemies, but don’t be fooled by his dorky face: He is a master at what he does… except when he cuts himself!
These customs are so neat and tidy we could mistake them for a production yet again. Check the expression though, HA.
Available in November at Designer Con as part of the Art of War Reject series that Igor Ventura is planning. More info soon, stay tuned.
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If you like what you see, no harm in trying to contact Igor to add yourself to the waiting list via , Facebook , Instagram and Twitter.