Believe the hype when it comes to MAGURO ?????? – by Mame Moyashi. We got excited when Jon Paul Kaiser got hold of one and worked his magic on one! JPK turned the Maguro into a much darker piece, not just colour wise and his signature noir shadow style. Highlighting the expression on the Maguro, each fin and contrasting blacks to grey gives the fish a totally different look without changing the silhouette.
Look closer you will see more finer detail within the tattoos, we still don’t know how JPK can use such a tiny brush add in all those details. Simple but affective changes makes a world of a difference, one prime example is the eye on the Wokou! JPK makes it much more bigger with a few brush strokes and surgical precision adds some shine with his white. The knife got a makeover too and the splashes of red definitely not over kill but it would make a vegetarian quiver. We’re guessing more collectors will want JPK to custom their Maguro if you’re lucky to pick one up.
Mark our words Mame Moyashi should be at least in the finals of next years DTA awards.