Let us start with Happy New Year! Looking over my shoulder and waving 2016 a goodbye. Remembering all the good and bad points of 2016 the good having a special place in my heart, whilst the bad lessons learned and hopefully overcome and continue to remember its just another hurdle in life and be thankful that we are alive and have the same interest in art toys, collectables, designer toys art, or whatever you want to call it. As tradition my own personal thoughts of being apart of The Toy Chronicle and 2016.
As this is only the 3rd year of The Toy Chronicle it seems to me personally 2016 was the year more resin, sofubi and kaiju. Which is great to see, more low edition runs and one of kind pieces continue to thrive. 2016 to me put a lot of doubters who said the scene was in decline. My view is they should’ve dug a little deeper and maybe look at The Toy Chronicle a little more and they can see all the lesser known artists work we’ve uncovered and watched them grow.
As you might know, The Toy Chronicle family expanded and having Pedro within the family was a huge help and a blessing. To be honest having his own taste and views was a breath of fresh air. See Pedro isn’t a fan of cute shit unlike me and loves all kaiju and gnarly stuff so having him cover most of that stuff is ideal, plus he’s sexy as F.
ToyCon UK was another highlight of 2016 and having Huck Gee and Nathan Hamill over for Toycon was a huge coup! Seeing their fans able to meet them in person in ENGLAND.
The rise of podcasts and new conventions! More the better in my view, I did listen to a few podcasts when I have the time especially when they first started and still do on occasions with selected episodes on The Blind Box, Marsham Toy Hour, The Collection. I suggest you do too if you understand English. Having different avenues to spread the word of the scene can only be a winning solution. Some comments on social media have questioned my views and wished I could talk back and say don’t be so narrowminded, comments like “most the blogs just cover what artist and companies want blogs to cover”. “Blogs don’t give their personal option on releases etc”. I want to put my own personal perspective on things. Let me tell you guys, I say around 30% or less is sent in by a company or artist. Usually, we have to find information ourselves, so do you think I would find shit things or things that don’t appeal to me to waste my FREE time to blog? you wouldn’t so I wouldn’t.
I personally don’t criticise someone’s design, why because it could appeal to a reader but not to my own taste. If it’s that shit why would I tear it apart online? Everyone has their own taste and preferences when buying something. Would you buy a collectable that didn’t appeal to you and then review it? likely NO. So why would I? I know most people would buy things that appeal to them. What I will criticise in a heartbeat is if artist/customizer or company produces work and the quality stinks. Warning collectors to be curious when buying something. Guiding people so they don’t waste their hard-earned money on something that companies haven’t wasted their time on checking the quality. What’s BUGGING me is all the “give me toys to REVIEW” and all these new waves of “critiques” review blogging for 2017. I’ve had artist message me or email me personally saying why do these ask for free art/toys for reviewing and show two examples of articles with or without art/toy sent to them. You be the judge, EVERYONE has their own taste in everything NOT just art/toys. Ask yourselves one question the comments on focus on more Toy reviews and less other stuff. Can only mean one thing, less work and GIVE ME FREE SHIT FOR exposure! Ha. If the so-called critique reviewer is to buy toys to review and blast their own taste then grab me the popcorn. No chance someone’s going to buy shit that they don’t actually like unless it’s from the dollar store. Just saying.
Hearing and seeing people say about blogs saying everything is awesome is a load of bollocks. Ask Jon Paul Kaiser, Avatar 666, Mighty Jaxx, Daniel Yu, HOB, Klang customs if everything is awesome I have given constructive criticism. Some have taken it on the chin, some haven’t. It’s not my job to try to pick all the weak points in someone’s work. Bootleg toys, kaiju or toys inspired by licensed characters toys has my own views questioned and sometimes being a hypocrite to my own views I would admit. But I’m here to share what I like. Read my reviews and unboxing if you want to read the flaws in toy’s I’ve bought. I like to point out I’ve never said: “GIVE ME FREE SHIT FOR exposure!”
I got asked at Thailand Toy Expo while chatting with a collector. He asked “do you like this? showing me a Byron toy” my reply was yes but not that colourway. He continued but you blog Byron all the time so why didn’t you buy it or try to buy it? in other words, if I blog about it with no option stated in the blog post it means it’s NEWS. It’s information to be passed on to readers WHO would be looking for all the relevant information to buy it. NEWS IS NEWS. I don’t have to add negativity just to be different.
Thinking that blogs are just about NEWS and releases. YES content is mostly about the release this is due to the fact shit is dropping every day. BUT they should check all the interviews, behind the scenes, coverage or conventions etc.
I guess why I get worked up when I see others criticise The Toy Chronicle is because WE put so much free time and hard work into the blog. All this for fun? not really, I write for the love of the so-called scene. Trying to make the scene grow. While manufacturers, artists, retail shops, convention organisers might get all the benefit from sales and tiny amount of exposure from the blogs, it’s still FREE advertisement. No one is putting a gun to our head and say write, it’s our choice what to add onto TTC ( I can slip in a THANK YOU to the TTC sponsors and readers who have supported us from day one) We never ask for anything in return, just respect and a share or even a simple Facebook like all for our time used. We all have full-time jobs so cherish and respect the time we have taken to write or shared info.
We at TTC strive to bring you latest news, behind the scenes, exposing artists and creations who haven’t been recognised yet. championing the underdogs. Thank you for the support.
Is negativity the only way to get a debate/ discussion going? it certainly is the easiest route to go. Let’s end this and leave it in 2016.
Sorry about that mini rant( sorry not so sorry). 2016 I’ve personally focused more towards the Asia side of the art toys in 2016. Having the opportunity to travel to Thailand Toy Expo really opened up my eyes and how diverse the scene is. Thailand was a base for all artists and companies around the world and had a really strong resin art toys presences. I’ve you’ve been following my posts you should have known that I’ve fallen for South Korean art scene too. 2016 was a South Korean bond was made with various artists and companies and their scene continues to grow. Arguably more character designers but damn I’m in love with their works. I hope to see more and more.
Still, TTC started out as a hobby for me but in no time at all it became a part of my everyday life, most are plus points like gaining friendship, looking out for less known artist/customizers and helping hand in hand them be more established in the community. People who know me personally know I love to help others even if it’s not toy related.
Remember collect what appeals to you, be your own judge. It’s supposed to be passion and fun. Why put a label on it all the time. ENJOY.
COMMENT, LOVE, LIKE and SHARE posts, it helps a lot not just for The Toy Chronicle think about the others. It’s FREE.
I would like to thank Lai Yui Wai, Windy Toy Box, Erich Ongko Ong, Rachel Pingel, Thawan Topz Khiowpiam, Robert Lumino for taking time out and supporting The Toy Chronicle by sharing and caring.
THIS is my own personal recap, Gary and Pedro might have different views.
Thanks for yours and the teams efforts in 2016.