With the Juce Gace A Wood Awakening Auction taking place over the last week, it made me think about the Pinocchio character and how it has been used over the years in the Designer Toy world. I have collected NINE different versions that have taken my fancy.
Please rate your favourite, if your favourite isn’t included please add it to the list!
This is a new TTC Feature, so testing it out. Please have fun with it!
#1 Wooden Pinocchio by KAWS
#2 Clockwork Pino by Fools Paradise
More details on Clockwork Pino can be found HERE.
I don’t know much about the movie but this one is my second. 😉
I mean…. what else was I gonna vote for?
#3 TETSU-DOU by Bid Toys
#4 A Wood Awakening by Juce Gace
More details on A Wood Awakening can be found HERE.
Hands down wins for Originality! But I gotta give my props to clockwork pino. Both Fantastik!
this is my favorite!
#5 He Nose That He Lied by Flabslab
#6 No Strings on Me by WuzOne x Kidrobot
#7 USOTENGU Shinuchi by Keira On the Roof x MERRY GO ROUND
#8 Liar Wooden Boy by Molly Yllom
#9 Skulltoons the Pino by Theodoru
#10 Pinocchio by Hiroshi Yoshii
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Okay this is the BEsT one for me after I went through the list! That was fun!
I wish I can have this!! So Perfect!! Wooden Pinnochio!