Some OG ThreeA collectors don’t like the 3AGO line from ThreeA. Personally I like them, but thats because I find it easier to take the figures with me as 1/6scale is too big and expensive. 1/12 scale is too small and fiddly. So ThreeA’s 3AGO is a great size standing at around 8 inchs. Price wise it’s good, most of the 3AGO line releases have been reissues of fan favorite designs, like the UKTK and Fighting JC. Good news for collectors or late adopters having the chance to own a design they’ve always wanted but in the medium scale. Anyway lets get back to the release. Two of our blog sponsors Collect and Display, Tenacious Toys have put the 8inch 3AGO Mauro Fighting JC Adventure Kartel up for pre-order! all kinds of awesome sauce as I personally own the 1/12 and the 1/6 scale version and would love to own the 3AGO scale too.
These should be retail versions so hopefully we won’t have to wait 6 months or more to get them in our hands. Could be wrong, It is ThreeA…. time will tell.
If you’re interested in the 3AGO line you can check out our footage from Thailand Toy Expo 2016. ThreeA showed what will be on the horizon of releases including a few 3AGO lines.
Around 13mins into it the video is the ThreeA booth.
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Pre-order 8inch 3AGO Mauro Fighting JC Adventure Kartel By ThreeA at Tenacious Toys you can get FREE UK SHIPPING (up to 20 bucks) by using WELOVEGARY as a promotion code with Tenacious Toys. Or for more info