
AllCityStyle back on Track

The classic AllCityStyle trains are back after a few years absence. Wai Man (OSB) formed a sister company called Tagthetrain which are the distributor of the much loved AllCityStyle train produced by Bigshot Toyworks.

The much loved trains are fully back and I am sure graffiti and designers cannot wait to work their magic on them , just like the good old days.

A throwback video from kingsofnewyork to show you all what can be done with the AllCityStyle subway train.

“The Tag The System show follows the path successfully cut by Toy2R and Kidrobot with their respective Qee and Dunny exhibitions, in which a blank production-ready toy platform is customized by a variety of artists to make one-of-a-kind art pieces. Tag The System’s built-in overarching theme brought an added relevance to this formula, in which the design object, the artist selection and the concept worked toward the same end: a celebration of subway art, with heavy participation by NYC street artists, painted on the 20-inch miniature subway trains created by Klim K. of Drastic Plastic. Think of it as the alternative celebration marking the 100th anniversary of the New York City’s subway system.

Over 150 artists participated in the show, with one entire wall dedicated to NYC writers both veteran and emerging. A diverse group of artists from other contemporary art and toy spheres contributed as well, ranging from James Jarvis and Maharishi to the Ron English and Hot Wheels Graphics Team. The results were phenomenal, showing a wide range of diversity and inspiration. Opening night was an invite-only, complete with spotlights and an open bar in the restaurant downstairs.”

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ACS Trains All city style train

ACS Trains All city style train 2 OSB

blank train

Created, sculpted, and produced by Bigshot Toyworks, the All-City Style Train was tremendously popular when we first introduced it in 2005. Supported by multiple custom shows in New York, San Francisco, London, Paris, Moscow, and Melbourne.

All-City Style Trains were embraced by both the graff community and the designer toy community as an excellent platform figure for artists of all styles. At 20″ long, it’s a large canvas…and with connector pieces included to join two trains together, it provides the artist with a lot more room to work than the average platform toy.

Single Train priced at £24.99 

Five Train Pack £119.99

Ten Train Pack £239.99 and for the Big boys Twenty Train Pack £479.99

Get them all over at


Contact number: 07733 058 058

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Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

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