Hong Kong’s soft vinyl store Angel Abby’s main event is coming real soon! All you folks in Asia we hope you are prepared for Angel Abby’s Soft Vinyl Festival 2016 as the line up for the festival is sweet. Featuring 18+ artists and companies for this special event. Aliens Park, Cometdebris, COJICA TOYS, Dan Kaiji, Dehara, Rumbbell, GALAXY PEOPLE, Gargamel, GEEK!, Konatsuya, Kou Shou Do, Mai Nagamoto,Kasing, Lung, BLOOD GUTS TOYS, Hints and Spices, CONVICT, INSTINCTOY, Medicom Toy, PLAY STUDIO, P.P.Pudding, Rumble Monsters, Shoko Nakazawa, SHIRAHAMA TOY, TOVI, SIO, Sunguts, TG9, Uamou and a more will make the two day event. From kaiju to cute sofubi all in the mix and many artists will be at the festival. Anyone have a spare flight ticket? Here’s a few sneak peeks of what to expect.
August 6 at 11 AM to Aug 7 at 7 PM in UTC+08 at The HUB – Venue Provider & Community 1/F., Fortune Bldg.,150 – 158 Lockhart Road, WanChai, 00852 2153.
For customers who already have pre-sale admission ticket :
Please bring ticket and wait in front of Fortune Building at event day morning 9:00.After ID identified will be start lottery to decide entry priorities.
For customers who want to buy field admission ticket :
Please listen event staff’s arrange to line up on footbridge which in front of Fortune Building at event day morning 8:00.
Ticket price : $50/each
Attention :
1)Payment accept Cash only (But DO NOT accept HK $1000).
2)Customers who already have pre-sale admission ticket must be bring your passport or ID card.
3)If customers who already have pre-sale admission ticket,Name must be match your registered name.
4)DO NOT Jump the queue and DO NOT leave over 15mins when line up.
5)DO NOT line up overnight.
6)DO NOT Block the road or footbridge before line up.
7)Event day must be comply with event staff’s arrangements.
8)If have any chaos occurs,event may be delay or cancel.
9)If inclement weather,new event arrangements will be announce thru our Facebook & Instagram.
You can check out our live video at Angel Abby HERE.
Facebook event page HERE and http://www.angelabby.hk/web/ for further info.