Arsenal Of Artists recently had a tribute show “Game Over!” to the video gaming world mixed in with the art toy scene. Over 65 pieces of art for the show and pretty impressive ranging from bootleg toys to paintings and sculptures. Need an introduction to the “Arsenal of Artists” click HERE.
A group art tribute show to all things video games! From cheat codes to power gloves, from Atari 2600 to XboxOne, from Super Mario Bros to Overwatch!
Displaying all kinds of art, including 2D and 3D sculpture to hand made custom toys. Everything on display will be for sale and a portion of the proceeds will go to benefit a local charity. We will be having raffles for prizes including gift certificates from some of our sponsors such as Classic Game Junkie, The Blue Duck Restaurant, and yours truly, Cosmic Primate Tattoo. We will also be having a game truck stop by in the evening for a few hours so that anyone suffering from withdrawal can get their game fix while at the show!
So put your controllers down, give the analog sticks a break and come down to Cosmic Primate for a killer day of art, nostalgia and video games!!
Here is a few examples of what caught our eye and your chance to pick up some of the remaining pieces still for sale!
Visit: NOW!
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