Wishes do come true when UMEToys (Richard Page) gets hold of some resin.. After the huge success of Bark (UMEToys interpretation of Groot from GOTG) time was the only obstacle for Rich. Rich was bombarded with request from his fans to make a smaller version and that he did! Baby Bark was born.
This is the first resin out of the mould he may be a baby but he is a chunky piece of resin coming in at 7 inches tall.
Even Baby Bark’s rear end is cute.
I would personally like to see one or too leafs on popping out of Baby Bark, but thats just me.
Well stay tuned to TTC and see if Rich gives us any news if he’s going make a small run of Baby Bark.
Baby Bark will be heading to the UME store this Friday October 3rd 2014 at 9:00pm London time and is limited to 8 pieces
Head over to UMEToys social sites to stay in contact with him