Anyone lucky enough to secure one of the new BAIT x Astro Boy that dropped this weekend in Chicago & San Diego?? Standing at an impressive 18 inches tall. E I G H T E E N!! Much wow. Much Astro. Much boiiiii!

With three colourway available, the Matte and Iridescent (pictured above) was and is available from the BAIT ComplexCon booth this weekend. Whilst the Matte and Monochrome version of this massive Astro Boy was available from the BAIT San Diego Comic Con booth, and the BAIT San Diego store only. No details on the run size of any colourway. We understand retail to be $150 but expect to pay double (at least) that on the secondary market.

Packaging for this BAIT x Astro Boy looks on point. Sexay.
If we hear any online release details, we shall let you guys know.