At the beginning of the year, we teased out the paper toy expert Tougui fantastic looking Yeti. Resin overlord Malte Fulda AKA”Muffinman Sculpts” in charge of making their design come alive. Anyone who knows Muffinman Sculpts work, will know the quality is outstanding so we’re all in for a treat. Throughout the week Malte has been showing his behind the scenes putting the finishing touches for Yeti’s debut release. Tougui should be happy with the final outcome of Yeti, we love him! Loving the whole design and that grin and rainbow eyes would cheer up anyones day.
pre-order starts tomorrow 10am! A hand creafted special wooden box will be offered for the twenty first buyers of the coloured version. It’s a limited edition of 50! With almost 15 light grey blank versions. At
Check out these WIP shots of MuffinMan working on Barry the tiny YETI.
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For now you can check out Tougui cool paper art toys at
Here are a few examples.
Find Tougui at Facebook , Instgram and Twitter.
Malte Fulda via his Blog, Facebook, Email and Instagram