We won’t lie, when we were looking at the above image sent by Blackbook Toy, it took us at least 12 minutes to figure out that the Beast in the top right-hand corner was only half painted & half clear. Granted, we have had a beer or three but still. We legit thought it was an issue with the photo. Well, now that’s outta the way, we bring you news of the first batch of Five Points exclusives emanating from booth #330! Alright, so what have they got going on…
Well, starting off they have these dope one-off pieces by Marvel Okinawa. Guy MC CYCO ($360), Big Boner MC Skeleton ($280) & High Calorie ($260). They’ll also be including some other one-off pieces by Marvel Okinawa from previous Lotteries that they’ve run but folks haven’t paid up. That sucks for them, but for you it means they’ll be available to purchase at Five Points. Mark that in your books as a win. Big W.
Ok, what else have Blackbook Toy got on offer at Five Points? Probably a very sensible question to ask… Blackbook Toy will have a new colourway of Ron English’s Mousezilla. Inspired by Ron’s popular character Fat Tony, Tony the Mousezilla. This bootleg of bootleg, or homage of homage will be available from Booth #330 for $150. Blackbook Toy will also have mini Mousezillas available too on their Five Points booth.
There will likely be future Blackbook Toy Five Points posts in the near future. What else are you hoping to see from Blackbook Toy? Let us know!
You can find Blackbook Toy at Five Points booth #330…
We’ve included the list of Exhibitors and Artist Alley List below…
Current Five Points Festival Exhibitor List 2018:
Company | Website | Booth # |
1000 Toys-to-Art Showcase | www.1000toys.jp | 543 |
13 KARAT | www.13Karat.com | 424 |
5149 & 1/2 Art | www.5149andahalfart.com | 534 |
A Wave Blue Word | awbw.com | 134 |
Andrew Bell // Dead Zebra | www.deadzebra.com | 336 |
AnimeJungle | www.animejungle.net | 542 |
Big C // Playful Gorilla | bigcisme.com | 427 |
Black Book Toy | blackbooktoy.com | 330 |
Blacklist Toys | BLACKLISTTOYS.COM | 343 |
Bluu Dreams | www.bluudreams.com | 441 |
Brian Ewing | www.brianewing.com | 237 |
Brutherford Industries // Kean Uni | www.brutherford.com | 528 |
Bunny Mischief | instagram.com/bunny.mischief | 354 |
Cherry Moth Cake | ghostfreehood.com | 325 |
Chris RWK | www.robotswillkill.com | 434 |
Chris Ryniak // Amanda Spayd | www.bindlewood.com | 230 |
Clover Puff | CloverPuff.com | 351 |
Clutter // Five Points Fest | www.clutterrmagazine.com | 223 |
Cometdebris | www.cometdebris.com | 344 |
Creeping Death Robot Club | creepingdeathrobotclub.com | 443 |
Currves & Bullets | curvesandbullets.com | 539 |
Danger Bot | www.DangerBotKillCo.com | 440 |
Deathcattoys | deathcattoys.com | 342 |
DesignerCon | designercon.com | 125 |
DLL Customs | dllcustoms.storenvy.com | 442 |
Dolly Oblong | www.dollyoblong.com | 538 |
Dorshak Bloch | www.bombsawayart.com | 426 |
Easily Amused NY | www.easilyamusednyc.com | 533 |
Eddieinthecity // Bunny Mischief | instagram.com/eddieinthecity | 354 |
FYE | www.fye.com | 239 |
Genesis 54 inc | www.genesis54inc.com | 349 |
Glitch Bitch | www.glitchbitch.co | 350 |
Grizlli Atom | grizbizniz.bigcartel.com | 339 |
Hakaba No Garou (墓場の画廊) | hakaba-gallery.jp | 327 |
Hammered and Stoned | www.etsy.com/shop/HammeredAndStonedNY | 133 |
Horrible Adorables | www.horribleadorables.com | 128 |
Instinctoy | www.instinctoy.com | 623 |
James Groman | jgroman.blogspot.com/ | 824 |
James Groman | http://jgroman.blogspot.com/ | 824 |
JCORP | www.jcorptm.com | 535 |
Jim McKenzie | www.JimMcKenzie.Net | 324 |
Justin Ishmael | www.JustinIshmael.com | 337 |
Kidrobot | www.kidrobot.com | 525 |
Kjelshus Collins | www.kjelshuscollins.com | 426 |
Ko-Re Ko-Re | www.ko-reko-re.com | 329 |
Kyle Kirwan | www.kylekirwan.com | RV |
L’Amour Supreme | lamoursupreme.bigcartel.com | 332 |
Lagunitas Brewing Company | www.lagunitas.com | 124 |
Locknesters | LOCKNESTERS.COM | 451 |
Lolamade Monsters | Lolamademonsters.com | 352 |
Lulubell | www.lulubelltoys.com | 331 |
Martian Toys | martiantoys.com | 132 |
Matt Siren | www.mattsiren.com | 448 |
MDBX Studios | www.facebook.com/MDBXStudios | 446 |
Mighty Jaxx | mightyjaxx.com | 432 |
Milkboytoys | www.instagram.com/milkboytoys | 327 |
Mishka | mishkanyc.com | 335 |
Mothership Toy Gallery | mothershipgallery.com | 130 |
MrMarsStudios | MRMARSSTUDIOS.COM | 425 |
Myplasticheart | www.myplasticheart.com | 336 |
Naomi Knaff | naomiknaff.com | 449 |
Naowu | facebook.com/naowu.tw | 450 |
Naowu | facebook.com/naowu.tw | 450 |
Nate Bear // Easily Amused NY | www.natebearart.com | 533 |
Nitelyfe Pins | nitelyfe.co | 539 |
Nugglife | www.nugglifeny.com | 323 |
One-Eyed Girl // Lickyourelbow | www.instagram.com/kctararuj | 532 |
Paper + Plastick | www.paperandplastick.com | 442 |
Part-Time Pigeon // Satellite Dust | www.parttimepigeon.com | 444 |
Pin Club | www.pin-club.com | 524 |
PIQ | www.piqgifts.com | 523 |
Planet-X | instagram.com/planetxasia | 328 |
Plushplay | www.instagram.com/plushplay/ | 126 |
Popaganda | www.popaganda.com | 431 |
PUNK DRUNKERS | www.punk-d.com | 327 |
Rampage Toys // Guumon | www.rampagetoys.com/ | 326 |
Resin Underworld | RESINUNDERWORLD.COM | 445 |
Sad Salesman | sadsalesman.com | 540 |
Scarecrowoven | http://scarecrowoven.com/ | 235 |
SKULL TOYS | www.skulltoys.net | 327 |
Splurrt | splurrt.com | 341 |
Squbbles Ink | www.squibblesink.com/ | 236 |
Steve Chanks | www.SteveChanks.com | 448 |
StrangeCat Toys | strangecattoys.com | 423 |
Suckadelic | suckadelic.com | 334 |
Sunguts | www.sunguts.com | 346 |
Super7 | www.Super7.com | 227 |
SUPERPLASTIC | www.Superplastic.co | – |
Tara McPherson // The Cotton Candy Machine | thecottoncandymachine.com | 123 |
Tenacious Toys | www.tenacioustoys.com | 234 |
The 3D HERO | www.the3dhero.com | 234 |
The Outer Space Men, llc | www.theouterspacemen.com | 924 |
Tim Clarke | TOTIMS.COM | 438 |
Tokidoki | www.tokidoki.it | 355 |
Toy Tokyo | www.toytokyo.com | 437 |
Unbox Industries | www.unbox.industries | 338 |
UVD Toys & The Bots | UVDTOYS.COM | 226 |
Vincent Scala | www.vincentscala.com | 447 |
Wingbot Inc. | www.wingbot.com | 541 |
Wonder Goblin | www.wondergoblin.com | 339 |
Xpanded Universe | www.xpandeduniverse.com | 724 |
ZazaToyBox | ZaZaToyBox.com | 348 |
Zukie Art | www.zukies.net | 535 |
Current Five Points Festival Artist Alley List 2018:
We’ve totally snagged the lists above from the Five Points Festival site HERE.
That SKUM KUN is fanfuckintastic. So good.
Omg that Mousezilla!! So cute