
Coarse Ethos Vol 1 CELLS Pre-Order NOW!

If you’re a member of the Coarse Friends & Family, you’re now able to pre-order the Coarse Ethos Vol 1 CELLS release! If you were paying attention yesterday you would have seen us drop two news stories on the new Coarse Ethos range, and the feedback from both releases was GOOOOOD!!! With Volume 1 dropping TODAY, you can pick up the every so beautiful Paranoia & Narcosis and be the envy of all the Designer Toy community!

To purchase you’ll need to login to your Coarse account HERE. The sales page for F&F is HERE. You can buy Paranoia and Narcosis as two individual pieces for $185 each, or bundle them together for $360 (£273)! With both CELLS standing at 10.5inches tall, and the impressive designs for these new

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WHEN: NOW for F&F and F&F+


PRICE: $185 (£140) each or $360 (£273) for the bundle

LIMITED: 299 pieces each of Narcosis & Paranoia


For those not on F&F, you’ll get your chance to purchase Coarse Ethos Vol 1 CELLS next Friday 4th August at 4.59pm BST!

[quote cite=”coarse toys” url=””]We are only our cells. They control who we are. Our skin is just a crown. This is what unites us.[/quote]


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CELLS is the first part in the Coarse – Ethos series, and its two colourways will complement future pieces. Coarse – Ethos merges Coarse’s bright and dark aesthetics in a line of surreal and mysterious sculptures. Dropping on General Release at 4.49pm BST on 4th August, you’ll be able to purchase these 10.5inch Narcosis & Paranoia individually for $185 each (£140) or as a bundle for $360 (£273) from the Coarse store HERE.

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WHEN: 4th August at 4.59pm BST


PRICE: $185 (£140) each or $360 (£273) for the bundle

LIMITED: 299 pieces each of Narcosis & Paranoia


If you’re not in the UK, the release times for certain other cities are included below:

08:59 am Los Angeles
12:59 am New York
05:59 pm Berlin
11:59 pm Hong Kong

As with all Coarse releases, there is a backstory to these releases, and we’ve captured this below (taken from the Coarse site HERE)

Parting Words

We are blue moons and fifth dimensions.

We are holograms and sleight-of-hand: the palmed coin, the false bottom, a trick in rolled-up sleeves.

When you were born, we were the upsides of the coal mine: unearthed gold, subterranean solitude, the requiem of the canary.

But now we are the axolotl’s eyelid, the emu’s flight. By the time we have left you, we will be a thing that never was.

So let us stay within you. We will not be stained glass, but the light that it transforms. We will be the altered fate of your lucid dreams. We are not a slip of the tongue or doublespeak or the consequence of a faulty translation.

Think about what you are doing.

We burn upon reentry.

On the day you came into this world we saw how they looked at you. We heard the name they gave you. Yet we loved you. We were yours to harness as you liked, and for a while you did.

Don’t you remember?

Why won’t you remember?

We know how this story goes. Once you have expelled us you will confide in those who mock you. You will become addicted to the routine of addiction.

Do not exchange us for the flame lily’s venom.

Love does not come as easy as you think.

So listen closely. Beware of grandfather clocks and sundials. Shut your blinds during total eclipses and every summer solstice. They don’t know about your defect, why your parents kept you locked behind a double bolted door, how easily you can make a man go mad.

You were not meant for this world, but we were meant for you.

And we are trying to love you.

We are dying to love you.

But it’s true: we are already gone.

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Friends & Family (F&F) is a great loyalty program set up by Coarse to help those dedicated to buying Coarse releases. It’s pretty simple to join, and essentially FREE but you do need to have made purchases from Coarse in the past. We have included the requirement details for F&F below…


– Free worldwide shipping.
– Access to pre-sale release times.


1: Three membership codes. Membership code cards come with most releases.
2: At least one order must be placed at the coarse shop.

Please note: Each code card must correspond with a different series. If a collector has two or more different colourways in the same series, only one of those code cards will be counted towards a membership.

How to Apply:

Please send your three codes to Please allow 7 business days for a reply.

If you want to head for the Friends & Family PLUS, which gives you additional benefits, you’ll need to be super dedicated to the Coarse brand! Again, we’ve included the requirements for F&F+ below…

Your Benefits:

– Free worldwide air shipping.
– Access to pre-sale release times.
– Exclusive bundle offers.
– Free gifts, rare items, and other surprises.


Ten orders placed in the Coarse shop.

Please note: Small vinyl figures, t-shirts, and other accessories cannot be counted towards an F&F plus+ membership.

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TTC Legend

Written by TTC Beard

Hype Boi. Beard Wearer. Vinyl Addict. Pub Poker Fish. Beer Drinker.

A man of many talents, master of none.

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