Not your average finger puppet these Elder Demons from Death Cat Toys. Candie Bolton had the opportunity to jazz them up with custom paint work on these sofubi figures. Candie gives them a cosmic colour scheme. Still gives us the creeps! Want some good news these aren’t commissions, so it’s your chance to own them.
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3 sets of Elder Demons will be available Friday 12th February at 6:00pm PST Priced at $40. We recomend you use to find your timezone.
While we have your attention Candie has her GID Kitsura pins back in stock. We were lucky to get one from the first edition and the quality is MINT. if you snooze you will lose.
Kitsura GID Enamel Pin
Need a custom from Candie? drop Candie a line via Facebook ,Twitter and Instagram.
Original toys made by Johan Bramell Ulrich aka DeathCatToys