GET PLUGGED IN and go RETRO! with Taiwanese Pixel artist Jeff and Noger Chen the father of Goodzila! This Cyberpunk version Nozilla is ready to give the Meta world a dose of nostalgic vibes and ultimate 80’s colours. No blacklight needed a Pixel Jeff takes over Nogers Cyberpunk Robo Nozilla with the ultimate accessories which include a Video game machine in which you are able to change the screen and tech skateboard! Noger Chen of Nog Toy the artist behind the ever-popular Goodzila 好吉拉 shared the next chapter of Goodzila 好吉拉, ROBO NOZILLA and you guys went crazy as much as we did last year. Mixing more retro style homage to GODZILLA. ROBO still carries the nostalgic concept, that represented Noger as a child growing up in the 80’s. Now with Pixel Jeff spin on this is another one to add to the collection.
Accessories: Video game machine (able to change the screen) and tech skateboard
WHEN: pre-order on 24th Febuary 2022
*Estimated shipping June 2022
WHERE: 授權訂購店 Authorised Retailers List
* 持 續 更 新 Keep updating
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Find Pixel Jeff via Facebook and Instagram. Chen Nog Toy IG: @goodzila825 and Facebook.
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