Deadly Delivery, the all starts toy making machine by Retroband, Zectron, and Vilesore, are back at it with a new XL sculpt from Zectron inspired by the classic horror movie Terrorvision!
Make way for the The Hungry Beast!
“Tired of your parents telling you what to do? Sick
of your boss getting on your case? The Hungry Beast is here to help!
Just introduce your new intergalactic pet to anyone you want to get
rid of and watch the magic happen! Nothing left but a warm pile of
goo. It can even impersonate whoever it eats so when school or work
calls asking why you aren’t around The Hungry Beast can tell them
you’re too busy being awesome to show up today!”
Each one also comes with a mini Z-TV accessory.
But that’s not all folks, the final color of the Son Of
Satan from Demon Wind will be also making an appearance.
Coming this Saturday. A proper Saturday morning Zectron Double
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