Its that time of the month! its KESHI time! Deadly Delivery hit us up with some Madness! Heres what Octavio had to announce. This Saturday we are releasing two all-new figures and plus the final release of the Ham figure. First up we have Rutger inspired by the classic sci-fi movie Split Second and his iconic roles in Blade
Runner and The Hitcher. Sculpted by Zectron in the full-body chibi
style but still the same size as other DD toys so it can fit right in with your collection and cast in classic flesh colour.
Next we have Rat Bastard also inspired by Split Second as the serial killing, DNA
stealing, zodiac monster that hunts his victims and steals their
organs. Cast in deep electric blue.
Finally, we have the final release of Retrobands terror toys HAM figure in classic maba purple with an orange accessory axe.
WHEN: Everything drops this Saturday 6th March 2021 at Noon CST in
the deadly delivery shop and every purchase qualifies as an entry into
the Sinister Six giveaway happens an hour after the drop.
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