Beijing based Tattoo/ special effects make-up artist, and master sculptor 苗倍榕miaobeirong recently linked up with 孙璐哥哥 Sunlugege and ABAO to unleash the super limited version of DEDE 六手! Asia’s answer to The Human Centipede? Last year ABAO actually purchased 孙璐哥哥 Sunlugege vinyl doll centipede for her own collection and now fast forward to the present day, sculptor 苗倍榕miaobeirong to bring it all together by adding DEDE 六手 into the mix! we gather only 8 of these are in existence for pre-sale and yesterday was your chance of owning one.
Size: Width 19cm x Height 20cm
Material: sofubi soft glue
Painting: Hand painted finish
Price: 1800rmb
Quantity: UNBOX CHINA Presale 8 body
On sale: Pre-sale
WHERE: Unbox China
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Known for her surrealism style art, it’s your turn to own the very last resin versions of RAABIIT! The multi-disciplined artist first captured our hearts with her 2D artwork via Deviantart and the unforgettable resin/plush Call Duck and now RAABBIT. Welcome to the world of ABAO. Similar to the previously released resin edition, we get to see it in its glory.
Lets hope Unbox gets Call Duck produced too!
Find ABAO on Deviantart and Instagram.
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