No need to rub your eyes, what you are seeing is true! DiamondTrooper series 1 by Frank Montano is back and in time to coincide with the release of Avengers: Infinity War! Collectors will be delighted to know they will have another shot at owning the DiamondTrooper Series if they missed out back in 2016. But wait there’s MORE! DEADPOOL goes diamondtrooper Yeah boi a surprise release. Another example of “if you’re going to do it, do it good” Frank is crushing every superhero release as well as his own characters. We’ve not seen the movie yet but all kinds of wins when you see Franks DiamondTrooper cosplay as Captain America.
3-inch hand cast and painted DiamondTrooper figures from FrankMontano.
This is Frank’s take on iconic Marvel fan art.
Series 1
Price $95 USD each.
DEADPOOL diamondtrooper
Surprise! Boom!! Drop of only three 3 inch figures.
Who’s your daddy!?!
Everyone loves deadpool
Price $105 USD each.
Will we get to see Thanos in the near future from Frank?
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You can find Frank Montano via Instagram and Facebook.