Holy moly! Dok A is back! Back in the realms of Kidrobot. It feels like an age since Doktor A was working with Kidrobot but we sure as hell are looking forward to seeing this new release.
A 5inch ‘Talking Board’ Kidrobot 5inch Dunny is coming soon. Like Summer 2017 soon! We cannot freakin’ wait neither! We having nothing more than the vectors we could get our hands on above, in terms of the production Dunny. However, if you want to compare the production Dunny to the original custom Dunny created by the good Doktor back in 2015!
“Do you need to contact those who have passed into the aether? Pressing questions need answering? Legal documents need clarifying? Words of comfort r reconciliation longed for? Then purchase the latest in Talking Board Spirit Communicators from the S. Hain Company. Easily talk with those who have moved into the great steam cloud via this modern mechanical miracle. Easy to use. Easy to clean. And polite around the house.”
Once we get official details & information, we’ll bring you this info. As per tradition! Peace x