You know those days when you browse the net and you stumble on something that just stays on your mind for the whole day? well, fine art sculpture artist Wang Ruilin ” DREAMS-Floating ” made me think about his work all day today. I am no fine art expert or have a liking for fine art but this was truly beautiful.
Found via his Behance page and seeing his work in progress photos made me even like it more. No doubt I would never be able to afford such a piece. Rushing back home from work to put his on the TTC blog is all I can do and keep looking at it and admiring the DREAMS-Floating piece.
These works are the denial of our current world and a depiction of an ideal one. I oppose the self-centeredness of human beings and the ruthless exploitation of other species and natural resources. I seek harmony with the nature. Nature’s greatness lies in her inclusion of everything on earth, while man’s greatness lies in his perception of his own smallness. To find conformity to nature is my life attitude.
We will leave you to descover Wang Ruilin works over at and Behance. Enjoy.
So beautiful