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Ego Death Pre-Order by RXSE7EN

The Sun & the Moon have crossed paths and gazed upon each other as the stars align in the sky. They came bearing a gift. That gift is RXSE7EN! RX doesn’t come empty handed though. Oh no. He brings you joy in the form of his new resin cast release – EGO DEATH!

The pre-order for Ego Death is open right now, but only until 7th July. You can make your purchase HERE on the RX store. After 7th July, Ego Death will see limited future releases – with different colour schemes & accessories. Priced at $77 (£60) + shipping. Ego Death is 3.5inches tall and is resin cast. You can expect shipping to happen in around 3 weeks.

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WHEN: Now.


Price: $77 / £60


Go give RX a follow on Instagram HERE.

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TTC Legend

Written by TTC Beard

Hype Boi. Beard Wearer. Vinyl Addict. Pub Poker Fish. Beer Drinker.

A man of many talents, master of none.

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