Korean artist veteran, pioneer of Korean scene. “Coolrain” already caused pandemonium at BTS last weekend when Coolrain joined SIMA x 205 and showcased “ENBT RabbiTT” first release from new joint brand “CoolRain LABO” giving you all Coolrain infamous sitting down bench pose “Everyone Needs Break Time” along with a nod to Star Wars Troopers and a spot of sexiness within a pin-up style. Two version was on display and pre-orders taken at BTS. Don’t be too salty just yet as Coolrain has announced an online pre-order launching next week for the Onesixth scale ENBT RabbiTT By Coolrain x SIMA x 205.
Estimated to be released on the 18th September 2018 at http://coolrainlabo.com/ Bring you further updates as soon as we can. Stay tuned.
Find Coolrain Studio via Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.