Even bad guys need a vacation right? HA. Earlier on in the year, Hombrebala “Evil Mind” caught our attention. Like we said previously HERE, Spain stand up! Not much of a bootleg style collector here at TTC, but we do appreciate works like Spain based Sr Bala of Hombrebala Toys! Especially when it’s a funny idea. This is where EVIL MIND on VACATION comes into play, HAHAHA we are literally laughing like Skeletor, close your eyes and imagine his voice, HA. A funny take on Skeletor right? That tan line! The right timing for EVIL MIND on VACATION as we are all locked up in this freaking lockdown. We needed something to make us smile and Hombrebala ticked our boxes right down to the accessories, That Castle Grayskull sandcastle bucket, HAHAHA AHAHAHA. Fast forward to the present day and Hombrebala has unleashed Evil Mind on VACATION Worldwide.
Ten years ago I worked as a fashion and graphic designer and I had the opportunity to learn and develop my art skills with my two workmates @paula13seis and @erre_ele great memories! Somehow my path started there, keep on walking Hombrebala!
Have diez años tuve la op
Do you have the POWER to capture the Last Evil Minds
WHERE: Direct message Facebook.com/hombrebalatoys or Instagram.
PRICE: 90€ + shipping.
EVIL MIND on VACATION joins the rest of the Hombrebala Toys family.
Find Hombrebala Toys at https://hombrebalatoys.bigcartel.com/ and Instagram.
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