Great pleasure to introduce the newest soft vinyl SOFUBI Collection from Fluffy House! the classic Mr Cloud gets a slight revamp and is now in sofubi! It’s great to see Mr. Gray Cloud and OG Mr Cloud make a comeback in quality Sofubi form.
Mr. Gray Cloud perfectly demonstrates how to be cool and cute at the same time. This mysterious guy has returned with a slightly rounded body. The brand new 2.5 head-to-body ratio and curved belly created the cutest vibe ever, yet did not outshine his cool personality. Putting the scarf on, Mr. Gray Cloud is ready to take off for his next journey.
The head and arms are free to rotate. You could easily play with it and create your own favorite postures. This SOFUBI figure is made to be the distinctive item in any scene.
Size: 11.5 cm tall
Material: PVC
Head and arms are rotatable
Scarf is included
這次新作 SOFUBI 系列除了呆萌的白雲先生之外,變得圓渾可愛,但仍然很酷的灰雲先生也一同驚喜現身了!2.5 的頭身比例 ,身形變得厚實,不知道有沒有多一點「穩重」的感覺……?
SOFUBI FIGURE 的頭部和手臂都可以自由轉動,方便大家按場景轉換不同姿勢。灰雲先生戴上標誌性的深灰色頸巾,準備踏上全新的歷險旅程。
尺寸: 11.5 cm 高
材質: PVC
Mr. White Cloud has come back with an even more chubby and adorable appearance. The brand new 2.5 head-to-body ratio and curved belly created the cutest vibe ever. Look at his fluffy and dreamy face! Mr. White Cloud seems to be indulging in a blissful daydream.
The head and arms are free to rotate. You could easily play with it and create your own favorite postures. This SOFUBI figure is made to be the cutest spotlight in any scene.
Size: 11.5 cm tall
Material: PVC
Head and arms are rotatable
白雲先生帶着再一次長胖了的微胖身軀,以新作品 SOFUBI FIGURE 驚喜回歸了!呆呆的「無表情」表情、2.5 的頭身比例、加上圓滾滾的腰圍,白雲先生看起來比以往更呆萌可愛。
SOFUBI FIGURE 的頭部和手臂都可以自由轉動,方便大家按場景轉換不同姿勢。相信白雲先生走進大家的日常後,每天都可以陪伴大家發發白日夢,用呆萌的氛圍治癒煩躁的心情。
尺寸: 11.5 cm 高
材質: PVC
PRICE: $45 USD each
Free goodies for all you mobile users, yes FREE everyone loves FREEBIES.
iOS Photo App “Fluffy Photo” has released!
Add Mr Cloud and co in all your photos like we have. Smile for everyone! Download it HERE for FREE.
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