We all know how much of a headache it can be when trying to buy something via lotto or Facebook only release right? Or even via email. (yeah we are lazy bastards too) Like you, we like to have a store and just a tap/click away and that’s what Non Odny of Million Dollar has just opened now! Non Odny of Million Dollar new online store.
Our man from Thailand, Non Odny of Million Dollar is ready to unleash his enforcers! Look out someone let the dogs out! WOOF WOOF. Powered by ToyZero Plus the design has already made it to the final stages of a vinyl production. Non Odny Freddy will take on the world with various outfits as Freddy is a bulldog under many characters. In the first series, he will come in the character of the SWAT team, who has the courage, admiration, and kindness.
“ FREDDY SWAT “( Black version / Green Version )
* Sale 70 piece / per color
* Limited 150 piece worldwide / per color
Material: soft vinyl
Size : 11.5 cm / 4.5 inch
WHERE: https://mdltoys.bigcartel.com
Price : 60 $USD (+13 $USD for shipping )
https://toyzeroplus.com/ for more vinyl goodness.
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