Something simple can make you laugh or cry and Fuckyoulah concrete block by FLABSLAB and Concrete that! Inspired by SUPREME (we assume)or the need for slamming someone with a block whatever you wanna take it. FLABSLAB’s “Fuckyoulah” motto/saying gives another meaning to a concrete block, Ha.
A block of concrete that serves no real purpose. Too obscene to be used as a paperweight in the office. Too expensive to be thrown against the wall in anger. Only for those who need more useless shit.
All that’s missing now is a bar of soap with the Fuckyoulah, HA.
Cast by the good people from Concrete Everything.
Every piece looks different and has imperfections.
Block of junk is 4” x 2.5”.
PRICE: $30 for more Fuckyoulah karma.