
GROCERY x Greenie & Elfie x Unbox Industries

GROCERY x Greenie & Elfie x Unbox Industries “Tide x Play” pop-up shop As the first stop of Too Natthapong’s “10th Anniversary” celebration, Unbox Industries is pleased to invite Hong Kong’s most popular fashion brand GROCERY to kick off the event and selected Terracotta Warrior Elfie created by Too as the main character of the event to bring you a refreshing shopping experience. Fashion, Toys, Ultimate Knot “Miscellaneous” GROCERY has always been based on high-quality and classic design, and its name interpretation seems to be linked to groceries, but in fact, there are no restrictions on the partners and creative themes involved, and the collaborative projects are the most intense, playful and top-notch quality. This time, I chose to walk with Unbox and Too because each other’s creative concepts are also “fun” first.

From concept to implementation, the creative process is based on a style that “breaks the mould”. Just like Too’s pen creations, they are generally dominated by “cute” character shapes and colour schemes. However, for this collaboration, GROCERY chose the theme of the “stylish” terracotta warrior Elfie, combined with the brand’s unique design aesthetic and interpretation approach, to launch a variety of eye-catching clothing, accessories and limited-edition toy dolls for the event. Coupled with the unique decoration and layout of the store, combined with the 50cm Terracotta Warriors and Horses statue made in the history for the first time, Elfie is lined up at the same scene, it feels like walking into Elfie’s cemetery through time and space, and the momentum is dizzying! Of course, there are also a variety of costumes, accessories, limited edition toys and more that are perfectly crafted.

From 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on February 15th, Too will come to the scene to meet and sign autographs (signatures are only limited to on-site purchases, please do not bring other items to the event)

GROCERY x Greenie & Elfie x Unbox Industries

「潮 x 玩」期間限定店

作為Too Natthapong 「潮玩之旅10周年」慶典率先打開序幕的首站活動,Unbox Industries非常高興邀請到香港超人氣時尚品牌GROCERY 打響頭陣,並選用了Too創作的Terracotta Warrior兵馬俑Elfie為活動主角,帶領大家闖進今次這個帶有「出土」意味、同時象徵三方合作單位攜手踏入全新里程的期間限定店,給大家帶來感覺耳目一新的購物體驗。


向來以高品質及經典設計為品牌創作宗旨的GROCERY ,名字解讀看似與雜貨掛勾,實際上是涉獵的合作夥伴和創作主題不設侷限,合作項目最緊充滿玩味及具備頂尖質素。今次選擇與Unbox及Too結伴同行,全因彼此的創作理念同樣以「趣味」先行。從概念到實行的創作過程上,都是以「打破常規」的風格為方針。就像Too的筆下創作,普遍是以「可愛」的角色造型和配色作主導。但這次合作,GROCERY卻選擇了「型格」的兵馬俑Elfie為主題,再結合品牌獨特的設計美學和演繹手法,為活動推出多款令人眼前一亮的服裝、飾物和限量版玩具人偶。加上店面別樹一格的裝潢及佈置,結合史上首次以50cm巨大尺寸製作的兵馬俑Elfie雕象同場列陣,感覺如同穿越時空走進了Elfie的陵園一樣,氣勢不凡目不暇給!當然還有多款製作極致的服裝、配飾、限量版玩具等已準備就緒。而2月15號中午12:00-下午3:00,Too更會親臨現場與大家見面及簽名留念(簽名只限簽於現場購買產品之上,請勿自攜其他物品到場。),一起歡渡熱閙時光。


GROCERY x Greenie & Elfie 別注服裝

GROCERY 為今次聯乘活動精心製作的兩款洗水Tee單品,分別是 Terracotta Warrior 兵馬俑 Elfie 洗水GRAPHIC TEE 和 Greenie & Elfie 香港雪糕車GRAPHIC POCKET TEE。洗水 TEE 的胸前圖案融合了 Greenie 和 Elfie 頭像,配合型格又可愛的GRAPHIC 設計和雪花洗水紋理,令每件 男女合穿的TEE 都變得獨一無二。背面更印有Too親自設計的經典雪糕車 GRAPHIC 圖案,還巧妙地加入了GROCERY 的品牌元素。另一款對應主題的兵馬俑Elfie洗水Tee更是型格十足!胸前低調地印上融入了Greenie & Elfie元素的GROCERY品牌Logo,背面卻將 Terracotta Warrior的多幀設計草圖霸氣展示,與展覽現場的兵馬俑Elfie大軍互相呼應。


Terracotta Warrior 兵馬俑 Elfie 洗水 GRAPHIC TEE售價每件HK$490

Terracotta Warrior G.I.D. Elfie 

創作概念取材自經典美國品牌Anchor Hocking的Fire King Jadeite耐熱耐磨玻璃杯。翠綠的主體經精心調校,以夜光搪膠材質呈現出碧綠通透如同玉石般的效果質感。並只於眼睛及咀部輕描淡寫加上顏色細節,令整個兵馬俑Elfie人偶的賣相更像一件來自古代的「岀土文物」。


XL Terracotta Warrior Elfie  Statue

全球首度公開的50cm特大尺寸兵馬俑Elfie雕像,採用Polystone樹脂物料,配以仿銅像質感的人手塗裝工藝營造效果細節,再進一步將Terracotta Warrior 的造型神髓鉅細靡遺地展現到造型雕像之上。


Cloth Strip 100% Elfie  with Gro-Cery mini keychain

為配合今次期間限定店及展覽活動而特別聯乘推出的Cloth Strip 100% Elfie軟膠玩具,充分展現了幾個合作單位的獨有色彩,以高清透明搪脾材質裝作出100% Elfie小象,並由GROCERY 團隊逐一將品牌專用的洗水布料及洗水Tag原料裁剪成碎片,逐一藏到透明小象體內營造出層次豐富的透視效果,而且更是首次以扭蛋方式再額外附送迷你匙扣隨機發售,令本身已非常獨特的產品更具玩味。





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TTC Legend

Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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