IT’S BACK! but now it GLOWS IN THE DARK and has a change of skin! Last seen in Taiwan now it’s back to breaking into international waters. Featuring a secret compartment to hide and store baby Kappa. if that wasn’t enough, brain-busting function along with glow-in-the-dark goodness rolled into one set. Some say The Six Million Yen Kappa Boy was from KAIJU ONE darkest lab with a reincarnation of the West’s million dollar man! Who knows all we know is Happiest Fung had the hand in creating this set and you have the chance to own this
( including a pair of twin babies and a cucumber stick – tree stem and one kappa baby are GID in colour ) …
WHEN: now until the end of 31 JULY 23:59 (Hong Kong time).
WHERE: To order, please send e-mail to the following address:-
1. Name
2. Shipping Address
3. Phone number
4. Your IG
Price is US$105 plus relevant shipping costs.
Shipping will take place by week of 2 August 2022
Find HappFactory on Instagram Happiest Fung Instagram and KOP Instagram.
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