Welcome to The Scum Pit! After a lot of hard work the most recent venture of master Coma21 is now a reality. A place of wonder, mighty and magic and sweet sofubi, a place with potential shows in the future a base of operations for painting and home of all his creations. Just look at that epic Header Wall!

To celebrate this special occasion a very special release, the all original SEWER CREEP the embodiment of Coma21’s influences, especially the Toxic Crusaders and TMNT is making an appearance in the upcoming HOOLIGAN CITY LOTTO, time for some MUTAGEN MAYHEM SEWER CREEP and OOZE TRIP BRAIN PAIN action.
Coming at you 3/25, don’t miss them, these will become an instant classic. Stay tuned!
*toy photos by the legend Robert Howell/ Manic Images.